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What are My Options for Termite Treatment?

by Dean Foley

Termites represent a major threat to your Australian home or business property. When you discover that your home has been damaged by a termite infestation, you want solutions, and you want them fast. It is important to take action quickly when termites are spotted, and in Nowra, a striking number of homes are affected each […]

5 Signs You Have Termites

by Dean Foley
Termite Damage in Wood Flooring

Without taking steps to eradicate them, termites can cause serious damage to your home or commercial property. These pests (often living and working underground) don’t always reveal themselves directly. By the time you discover evidence of a termite infestation, it may be too late to avoid costly repairs or intensive extermination procedures. If you live […]

First Time Home Buyers: Avoiding Termites

by Dean Foley
Two generation family looking at a house for sale

You’re considering buying your first home. This is an exciting time! As you take those initial steps towards home ownership and building a life, you will have many aspects to consider. When purchasing a home (or any other property) one thing you should be sure to address is the possibility that termites could affect your […]

What Conditions Do Termites Like?

by Dean Foley
Termite Damage

If I was a termite, where would I go? This is one of the questions termite fighters have been asking since the first termites were discovered attacking our beautiful homes. In one of our recent blog posts, we learned that understanding your enemy is the number one way to fight him off. In this case, […]

How Do Termite Mounds Form?

by Dean Foley
Cathedral Termite Mound

If you’ve driven around Australia, you’ve no doubt stumbled across crazy, often impressive formations in the ground. These reddish-brown, stony-looking castles are the homes of our enemy: the termite. The uncanny structures you see are known as termite mounds. Staring in wonder at these constructions, one starts to consider how they are created. How many […]

Understanding the Enemy: The Peculiar Behavior of Termites

by Dean Foley

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu said, “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” When it comes to termites, you hopefully won’t need to fight a hundred battles, but there is truth in Sun Tzu’s famous quote. If you know and understand your enemy (in this […]

What Kind of Termites are Found in Australia?

by Dean Foley
Termite Damage

There are said to be more than 300 types of termites found in Australia. While our country is a fertile breeding ground for these insects, there are only a few specific types that we deal with in the pest control industry. All of these are damaging creatures which are not welcome on any property. The […]

What Happens When Termites Aren’t Exterminated?

by Dean Foley

When you discover your home has termites, your priority will be to get those damaging pests off your property immediately. A qualified professional pest control provider, like Termite Solutions, can make that happen. But eradication of termites is faster and more effective when the presence of a termite infestation is discovered sooner. That’s why recommend […]

The Impact of Termite Damage Throughout Australia

by Dean Foley
Termite Damage

With a significant termite risk, Australian homes and properties are in constant danger of termite infestation. These infestations can be damaging and costly, as termites do their dirty work in our building structures. Fortunately, with proper inspections, treatment, and management, termites can be kept at bay and your property kept safe. But just how much […]

Will Termite Treatment Interrupt My Daily Life?

by Dean Foley

Termite troubles getting you down? If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely that you are in search of termite solutions to rid your home of unwanted pests, or you’re looking for methods of prevention. Either way, you know that you need some assistance eradicating termites from your property. Any major project within your home is […]