Termite troubles getting you down? If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely that you are in search of termite solutions to rid your home of unwanted pests, or you’re looking for methods of prevention. Either way, you know that you need some assistance eradicating termites from your property. Any major project within your home is certainly going to take some time and have some impact on your life, and termite treatment is no exception. However, advanced technologies and more effective methods have made termite treatment much easier, faster, and less invasive. So, will termite treatment interrupt your daily life? Maybe, but the interruption should be minimal and the end result will definitely be worth it.

First Things First

If you want to minimise the impact termite treatment will have on your life, the best step to take is to prevent termites before they become a problem. There are numerous pre-treatment options for your home, and you can also take action with some DIY termite prevention. If you think you may have a termite problem, check out this comprehensive list of early warning signs, so you can stop a full blown attack in its tracks.

Trying Less Invasive Options for Termite Treatment

Many homeowners fear that a termite treatment program will require them to evacuate their home for a period of several days or weeks. While massive infestations may call for more drastic measures, there are several options that can be tried first, or that may be more effective on less extensive termite problems.
If your problem is in its beginning stages, pest control experts can try using slow-acting baits. Placed in central areas of termite activity, these baits can be quite effective in eradication of entire colonies. However, the process is a slower one, and may not be as useful in major infestation situations. If termites are located in a specific area of your home, this bait method can be combined with the installation of physical barriers, to corner the colony and speed up the extermination.
Another new termite solution method involves microwave technology which rids your property of termites through a heat-based process. With advanced technology, an exterminator can locate the termite colony with accuracy and direct the microwaves towards this area. This termite solution is a green option, as no chemicals are utilised and there is no negative environmental impact involved.
The options described above would produce minimal impact on the daily lives of you and your family. You will have to plan for extermination appointments with our termite control team, but these methods would not require any evacuation of your home.

What If Those Options Don’t Work?

At Termite Solutions, we do everything in our power to first use the least invasive options possible. We always strongly recommend preventative steps, including pre-treatment options for a home or new construction project. If a termite problem persists, or worsens, then we will engage with more vigorous and intense methods. Our goal is to rid your home of termites once and for all, and we will do so in the most effective way possible for your individual situation. In the event that your termite infestation does require you to leave your home, you can rest assured that our commitment to advanced technology has enabled this process to be faster and more effective.
If you’ve got questions about a possible termite problem in your residential, commercial, or other property, please call us at Termite Solutions as soon as possible. We’ll get your property on the road to freedom from termites.