Termites: those nasty little pests that wreak havoc on our homes, businesses, and gardens. If you have wood (and often other materials) within or on your property, you may have experienced the frustration that comes with a termite infestation. At times, it may feel like Australia is the only country beset with such a plague. But the truth is, termites are all over this vast planet. There’s not just termite control in NSW, but across the globe. So, while you’re planning how to protect your home from termite infestation, let your curiosity lead you, and find out what termites are like around the world.
Let’s start close to home. In Australia alone, there are over 300 species of termites. Sound frightening? Fortunately, only a handful of these pose a threat to our homes and other structures. While we won’t go into their scientific names, these termites generally fall under the categories of subterranean, drywood, and dampwood.
North America
In the United States, subterranean termites are found in every single state except for Alaska. This means that a vast portion of Canada is also immune, due to their long-lasting cold weather. While drywood and dampwood termites are also prevalent in the U.S., their incidences are more isolated and generally take place in states of a milder climate. Subterranean termites can form nests deep underground, and in America, are among the most destructive species. In some states, another species, the formosan termite, has also been spotted. This is said to be the most destructive, and appears in areas with a more tropical climate.
Similar to what can be found in our Northern Territory in Australia, Africa is subject to massive termite mounds. African mound termites are found only in Africa, and are capable of building mounds up to an impressive 17 feet in height. Here again, subterranean termites are also prevalent, and are reported to account for over 90% of all termite-related damage on the continent.
In Europe and even in North America, there are far fewer species of termites to be concerned with. Across the European continent, termites don’t occur naturally in places such as the United Kingdom or Scandinavia, but are found in primarily the warmer Mediterranean areas. With the vast global trade and the movement of peoples, it is fairly easy for termites to get moved around a bit. Thus, unfamiliar termite species can be found in unusual places now and again.
South America
South America has a situation similar to ours. In fact, they have approximately 400 species of termites on the continent. There, you can find the familiar mound building termites. Tree species are also prevalent here, and in some areas of South America, the most densely populated termite colonies known to man have been found. Clearly, this region offers some conditions highly favourable to the termite.
Infestations and incidences of termites vary greatly across the expansive Asian continent. Southeast Asia has a plentiful amount of subterranean termites. North, in China and other inland areas, the destructive formosan termite is also found. China alone has over 435 species that can be identified, but these are found in the milder habitats.
It’s clear, termites are a global problem. Here in NSW, we’re not the only ones fighting off a destructive pest. If you have seen signs of termite infestation in your home, please don’t delay. Get in touch with Termite Solutions today and we’ll help rid your property of this nuisance quickly and effectively.